Introducing Community Groups For Managing Members

Today we are pleased to announce our next step towards building the most robust community management software for nonprofit organizations: Community Groups.

The most configurable community management software needs grouping functionality

With community groups, nonprofits can segment the member profiles within their nonprofit community/network (donors, projects, children needing educational sponsorships, volunteers, suppliers, etc) into buckets that can be linked to different actions throughout the platform.
One of the largest benefits of community groups is that they can be created by organizations to build both internal and external facing web pages that can be used for fundraising, donor lead generation, and/or signups. Community groups will allow organizations to select the people or projects that they would like to raise funds for, and automatically create templated fundraising campaigns that can either be shared within the community privately (if trying to solicit donations from your current supporters) or publicly (if using pages as a way to build new donor relationships).
With a few simple clicks, nonprofits will have a web page on a subdomain (public or private) that can be tied to their public facing website (or shared internally within the community) and used to automatically collect donations, leads, or simply to share awareness of their program’s initiatives.

By combining the power of community groups with our pages functionality, nonprofits will be able to automate their entire donor journey, in any capacity that donors interact with nonprofits.
Simply set your group members, select your template, and link your page to the subdomain created specifically for your nonprofit (or keep it private and accessible from only within the platform for existing community members), and within seconds you will be able to facilitate new signups and donations that are fully integrated into your community.
For example, if your organization would like a page to allow sponsors to select sponsored children and sign up for a child sponsorship, you can build a group with all the students that need sponsorship, and create a page to be linked with your public facing website. When a potential sponsor finds your website and decides that they would like to sponsor a child, they can simply click a button under the child to get started. This button will trigger a form to be filled out by the potential sponsor (for lead generation purposes), and once the form is completed, their community profile will be created and linked with the specific child they have chosen to sponsor. If you want to really please your new sponsors in this scenario, it is recommended that you have the beneficiary profile completed so they have something to look at as soon as they login.
This can be taken further to provide fundraiser pages for projects or programs, volunteer signup forms, entrepreneurial support pages, and so on. The limitations are boundless with the infrastructure of a community management platform.
Community groups will change the way that nonprofits interact with the members of their community, and their future supporters. No longer do you need multiple programs or excel spreadsheets for tracking signups, interactions, lead generation, beneficiary relationships, and donors relationships - simply build an integrated public or private page and let technology organize/manage the new donor journey for you.

If you feel like getting involved in guiding this development, or have feedback related to the current or future plans regarding community groups, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at!
This feature was built based on feedback from our users to automate their community management processes. We strive to build features that resonate with our users, and the industry, so your feedback is always appreciated and encouraged 🥰.